I am an associate professor at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
Before that, I was a postdoc at the same place, and, even earlier, at LSV, CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay.
I received my PhD degree from the School of Computer Science,
Nottingham University, working under the supervision of Natasha Alechina.
My research interests are in modal logics for multi-agent systems,
and specifically in dynamic epistemic logics and strategy logics.
You can reach me at first_name.last_name
Galimullin, R. and Pedersen, M. Y. (2024). Visibility and exploitation in social networks. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 34(7), pages 615–644. CUP. [paper] [pdf]
Galimullin, R. and Kuijer L.B. (2024). Varieties of Distributed Knowledge. In Ciabattoni, A., Gabelaia, D., and Sedlár, I., editors, Proceedings of the 15th AiML, pages 379–400. [pdf] [slides by Louwe]
Dolgorukov, V., Galimullin, R., and Gladyshev, M. (2024). Dynamic Epistemic Logic of Resource Bounded Information Mining Agents. In Alechina, N., Dignum, V., Dastani, M., and Sichman, J.S., editors, Proceedings of the 23rd AAMAS, pages 481–489. [paper] [pdf] [slides by Maksim] [poster by Maksim]
Galimullin, R. and Kuijer L. B. (2024). Synthesizing Social Laws with ATL Conditions. In Alechina, N., Dignum, V., Dastani, M., and Sichman, J.S., editors, Proceedings of the 23rd AAMAS, pages 2270–2272. [paper] [pdf] [poster]
VvL invited lecture Dynamic Epistemic Logic Essentials held at Utrecht University, November, 2023. [slides] [abstract at VvL]
Alechina, N., van Ditmarsch, H., French, T., and Galimullin, R. (2023). The Expressivity of Quantified Group Announcements. Journal of Logic and Computation 33(6), pages 1122–1151. OUP. [paper] [pdf]
Together with Louwe B. Kuijer, I taught at a course on Quantification in Dynamic Epistemic Logic.
[Web page of the course with slides and reading materials]
Galimullin, R. and Kuijer L. B. (2023). Satisfiability of Arbitrary Public Announcement Logic with Common Knowledge is Σ^1_1-hard. In Verbrugge, R., editor, Proceedings of the 19th TARK, volume 379 of EPTCS, pages 260–271. [paper] [pdf] [slides]
Galimullin, R. and Velázquez-Quesada, F. R. (2023). (Arbitrary) Partial Communication. In Agmon, N., An, B., Ricci A., and Yeoh, W., editors, Proceedings of the 22nd AAMAS, pages 400–408. IFAAMAS. [paper] [pdf] [slides] [poster]
Ågotnes, T. and Galimullin, R. (2023). Quantifying over information change with common knowledge. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 37(19), 40 pages. Springer. [paper] [pdf]
Galimullin, R. and Ågotnes, T. (2023). Action Models for Coalition Logic. In: Areces, C. and Costa, D., editors, Proceedings of the 4th DaLí, volume 13780 of LNCS, 73–89. Springer. [paper] [pdf] [slides]
Talk at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Liverpool, February, 2023. [slides] [abstract at UoL]
Galimullin, R. and Ågotnes, T. (2022). Coalition Logic for Specification and Verification of Smart Contract Upgrades. In Aydoğan, R., Criado, N., Lang, J., Sanchez-Anguix, V., and Serramia, M., editors, Proceedings of the 24th PRIMA, volume 13753 of LNCS, 563–572. Springer. [paper] [pdf] [slides]
Galimullin, R., Pedersen, M.Y., and Slavkovik, M. (2022). Logic of Visibility in Social Networks. In Ciabattoni, A., Pimentel, E., and de Queiroz, R. J. G. B., editors, Proceedings of the 28th WoLLIC, volume 13468 of LNCS, 190–206. Springer. [paper] [pdf] [slides by Mina]
Galimullin, R. and Ågotnes, T. (2022). Dictatorial Dynamic Coalition Logic. Manuscript. [pdf]
Ågotnes, T., Alechina, N., and Galimullin, R. (2022). Logics with Group Announcements and Distributed Knowledge: Completeness and Expressive Power. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31, pages 141–166. Springer. [paper] [pdf]
Galimullin, R. and Ågotnes, T. (2021). Dynamic Coalition Logic: Granting and Revoking Dictatorial Powers. In Ghosh, S. and Icard, T., editors, Proceedings of the 8th LORI, volume 13039 of LNCS, pages 88–101. Springer. [paper] [pdf] [slides]
Alechina, N., van Ditmarsch, H., Galimullin, R., and Wang, T. (2021). Verification and Strategy Synthesis for Coalition Announcement Logic. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30(4), pages 671–700. Springer. [paper] [pdf] [model checker]
Talk at LAMAS&SR, London (Online), May, 2021. [abstract] [slides]
van Ditmarsch, H., French, T., and Galimullin, R. (2021). No Finite Model Property for Logics of Quantified Announcements. In Halpern, J. Y., and Perea, A., editors, Proceedings of the 18th TARK, volume 335 of EPTCS, pages 129–139. [paper] [pdf] [slides] [poster]
Talk at Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa) seminar, ILLC, Amsterdam (Online), April, 2021. [slides] [video]
Galimullin, R. (2021). Coalition and Relativised Group Announcement Logic. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30(3), pages 451–489. Springer. [paper] [pdf]
Galimullin, R. and Ågotnes, T. (2021). Quantified Announcements and Common Knowledge. In Endriss, U., Nowé, A., Dignum., F. and Lomuscio, A., editors, Proceedings of the 20th AAMAS, pages 528–536. IFAAMAS. [paper] [pdf] [slides]
Galimullin, R., Ågotnes, T., and Alechina, N. (2019). Group Announcement Logic with Distributed Knowledge. In Blackburn, P., and Lorini, E., editors, Proceedings of the 7th LORI, volume 11813 of LNCS, 98–111. Springer. [paper] [pdf] [slides]
Perrotin, E., Galimullin, R., Canu, Q., and Alechina, N. (2019). Public Group Announcements and Trust in Doxastic Logic. In Blackburn, P., and Lorini, E., editors, Proceedings of the 7th LORI, volume 11813 of LNCS, 199–213. Springer. [paper] [pdf] [slides by Elise]
Galimullin, R. (2019) Coalition announcements. PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham, UK. [thesis]
French, T., Galimullin, R., van Ditmarsch, H., and Alechina, N. (2019). Groups versus coalitions: on the relative expressivity of GAL and CAL. In Agmon, N., Taylor, M. E., Elkind, E., and Veloso M., editors, Proceedings of the 18th AAMAS, pages 953–961. IFAAMAS. [paper] [pdf] [slides] [poster]
Galimullin, R., Alechina, N., and van Ditmarsch, H. (2018). Model checking for coalition announcement logic. In Trollmann, F. and Turhan, A.-Y., editors, KI 2018: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, volume 11117 of LNCS, pages 11–23. Springer. [paper] [pdf] [slides] [student paper award]
Galimullin, R. and Alechina, N. (2017). Coalition and group announcement logic. In Lang, J., editor, Proceedings of the 16th TARK, volume 251 of EPTCS, pages 207–220. [paper] [pdf] [poster] [corrected version of the paper]
Presentation at NASSLLI 2016 [slides]